Campagn Imbabura Ecauador 13 Saved

Jesus opens the door in Ecuador
It all started with a letter written 19 May 2008. A youth minister Henry Yánez was surfing on the internet and while in his search, he found us. In his quest he was captured by his interest. He was looking to find an effective way to teach the gospel, and was taken by the Spanish effort Ministerios We Care, this group was evangelizing through Campaigns and Seminars in the Spanish speaking world. He found us through a search engine report, and there it was, our internet page on the world wide web.
He proceeded to write a letter to me explaining how his church in Imbabura Ecuador was growing, and needed an effective method by which they could take to the streets to teach the gospel to the lost. He further stated that they had a 2 year building expansion and they could keep me informed about when approximately they expected to finish so we could kick off with a campaign to grow the church. Stating his vision for the new facilities.
In the mean time Satan opposed God in this mission work by greatly diminishing available funds that sustained We Care Ministries Spanish effort, a once stable effort through anonymous donations (to you we are forever grateful) with a track record eight years in the running that started in February 2000. The full time work of bilingual staff member (I) Marco Señoret who's duties included travel, communications, training in the evangelism method, in Campaigns and Seminars of the Spanish speaking world, production and distribution of needed materials, and is also current web master creating and maintaining the We Care English and Spanish website while still closely working with Larry West founder and director of We Care Ministries.
As things go, I transitioned through God's mercy in April 23 2009 as the involvement minister for Cherry Lane Iglesia de Cristo in Midland Texas. As a member since December 2002 of Cherry Ln, adding in His services visiting encouraging members and tending to sheering the gospel with visitors, and assisting Cherry Lanes very own director of evangelism Gustavo López, while still performing all duties in close relationship with We Care.
These efforts are now staffed with both volunteers from Cherry Lane and longtime volunteers from We Care Ministries and the Iglesias de Cristo in joint cooperation, what is admirable is that volunteers who go either carry the financial burden themselves, or people like Eduardo Gabaldón a restaurant owner who is a member in Cherry Lane congregation he carried the blessing for tree brethren who were willing to go but could not afford it, special thanks' to longtime contributor Bill Ferguson, and his help for Gustavo López. Roberto Miranda a minister in Huston Texas area with joint cooperation with Jorge Membreño a minister out of La Cruz Monclova old Mexico generated the Nicaragua effort, furthermore Roberto traveled ahead to Ecuador and visited the minister of the church in Imbabura securing the heart, preparing the congregation as the preacher Henry Rosero working diligently in tanning and preparations for the upcoming campaign. Let me thank Henry and all the members of the church in saying that food, lodging, transportation to and from the airport, member involvement in training and door knocking, nightly campaign lectureship, where six other congregations in participation, were outstanding, could have not been better!
Now a formidable group was formed under the supervision of the elders of the church in Cherry Lane using the We Care Approach witch several efforts begun March 09 , Tijuana Mx, Monclova Chuahuila Mx, Parral Mx, Nayarit Mx, Managua Nicaragua, Sulpher Springs Tx, Empire CentraTxl, and now Imbabura Ecuador, while a second group splitting of in this occasion (approximately same dates) under the leadership of elder Salvador Gonzales wife Josie, Ángel Rentaría his wife Blanca Midland TX, Narciso Gómez and his wife Concepción from Andrews TX, were delivering a powerful projector 2800 lumens for power point presentations to Ricardo Álvarez a longtime contributor to We Care, he is currently the minister of the Iglesia de Cristo in Parral Chihuahua MX. While they were there preaching the gospel they interviewed those visiting during that meeting and using the We Care approach baptized three ladies into Christ.
God has opened the hearts of our visitors while we were in Imbabura and a nearby congregations of Iglesia de Cristo located in Tabacundo Ecuador which is located only one hour on the road towards Quito from Imbabura, this church happens to be the sponsoring church to the school of preaching where we will be able to train future students in effective soul winning. Dates targeted March 28 April 4 2011. Panama (June 1-9 2010), Corsicana Tx (June 13-19 2010), Oaxaca Mx (Nov 16-26 2010), Chile (Pending Dates).
To our Lord Jesus be the Glory.

On April of the fifth Reggie Gardner and Marco Señoret left Houston Texas for Quito Ecuador where they met up with Maria Lopez, Eduardo Gabaldón, Gerardo Mendoza Chávez, and Gustavo López.

Gerardo, María, and Eduardo are standing in front of the church building in Imbabura Ecuador with a young local.

As you can see the building is under construction.

April 6 Henry Rosero preacher Imbabura Iglesia de Cristo is introducing Marco and the We Care approach.

Devotional Eduardo Gabaldón

Tuesday morning Marco begins the training before we go out on the streets.

You can see from this photo that we’re using the salvation highway.

Training a 3 man teem steps up to meet a lost man at the door the leader Gostavo greets him.

Trainig after they intervew him Gustavo sheres the gospel.
The teem is trained and ready to hit the streets of Imbabura.

And after prayers they head down the street in teems of: Leader, Secratary (Girl), silent partner.

Mirian Roser and Bayardo Bayardo are the first to obey the gospel.

Mirian Roser

What a baptistry!

Bayardo Bayardo

Sunday night Marco brings in a husband & wife, Celiano & Blanca

Eight of the therteen that were baptized shown here victory Sunday